
Niharika Suri

Niharika Suri has been practicing and teaching over more than a decade now as an energy healing practitioner and teacher, specialising in the Original form of Reiki called Jikiden Reiki and a beautiful healing modality called Void Technique. She is based in Newdelhi, India and an internationally traveling teacher teaching workshops in Dubai and Beirut. In her quest to improve her life and to find peace and happiness she was introduced to the miraculous world of Healing. She learnt various healing modalities and worked with them to deepen her understanding of healing. After intense inner work she began to notice the transformations within her and the people around her. The best part was it gave her a better understanding and perspective of people, situations and it helped her to bring her closer to herself, to realize her strengths and weaknesses to understand herself better, to know who she truly is…The most important thing that she really learned was to be happy and to develop love, understanding and compassion. Her aim is simple. To help as many people as possible, to empower them to their own highest potential so that they can be free of whatever physical, emotional or behavioural patterns that are holding them back and experience life in a more open and joyful way. She offers Mind-Body Training and Original Certification to people of all ages and backgrounds in Jikiden Reiki & Void Technique. Her target is to be one of the leading institutes in the world for Practitioners, Healers and Coaches to gain knowledge, empowerment and certification.

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Samantha Howick

Holistic Healing Yoga Yoga as a transformative body, mind, spirit healing healing path, Samantha has taught yoga around the world for over 25 years. Founder of One Yoga Academy in 2008, offering International Certification and Teacher Training Courses . She has a BFA From ENSBA. An opportunity to ask questions and explore your divine nature. Through a multitude of yogic techniques, we can uncover what is in the way of your inner light. Discover what is in the way of your We all want to be our most vibrant self and live our best life. When we have pain in the body or discord in our lives and relationships, we have a range of results. From chronic pain, stiffness, weakened immunity, fatigue, sadness, lethargy, the list goes on. Through this range of offerings, you will see how the journey inwards, through body and mind, with loving and experienced guidance, will lead you "home". To your natural state of wholeness and brightness.. A Tantra and Vedanta scholar combined with Her complex understanding of the physical body and movement. Samantha shares a wisdom which restores the sacred mind/ body relationship to its natural harmony. Offering curative workshops and courses inspired from her evolving journey and years of experience in the great rivers of asana, pranayama, yoga philosophy, meditation, sound healing, energy clearing, shamantic rituals, crystal healing, Jnana, yoga, movement as medicine and therapeutic alignment. With the ability to diagnose imbalances in either mind or body, Samantha’s method of imparting wisdom invites a heartfelt sensation merged with the enhanced understanding which allows each student the opportunity to cultivate skills necessary to find their true calling, dharma, to live a life of purpose and fulfillment, to be authentic, empowered, and real.

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Joelle Ghali

Health Coach, Yoga Teacher and Sound Healer After a 10-year career in a managerial position, Joelle Ghali decided to pursue her passion and attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). She then began her career in Holistic Nutrition with a focus on Emotional Eating Disorders. As a Health Coach, Joelle is a firm believer that healing integrates mind, body, and soul, as a way to treat and prevent the sources of disease. She has since embarked on a path focused on learning and teaching yoga and meditation after getting certified from Yogaworks with a 200-hour Yoga training Diploma in Vinyasa Yoga & 200-hour of Hatha Yoga with a parallel focus on Sound Healing through singing bowls therapy. Through her Instagram page, she aims to inspire others to experience a new approach of self-care and love, in this journey we call “Life”. Although based in Lebanon, Joelle travels the world in search of Yoga retreats, in which she both participates and leads.

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Sarah Berjaoui

Sarah Berjaoui is a Human Design and Gene Keys instructor as well as a yoga teacher and a soon to be family constellation therapist. Her background is Civil Engineering which perfectly matches her structured brain while her work is in Business Development in her family’s hospitality and real estate business and her passion is assisting and guiding others to understand and accept themselves in a deeper level which brings her joy and fulfilment. She is a Manifesting Generator with 3 energy centers and an Emotional Authority a fact providing great insightfulness about her and her temperament. She offers private sessions and also lead workshops and create beautiful and life changing retreats Her work begins by identifying and analyzing your design and then she uses her effective and personalized tools to guide you back to the journey of discovering your authentic self. Human Design will offer you an insightful understanding of yourself and your unique nature and at the same time it will provide you with valuable guidance to navigate your relationships and better connect with your partner, your family, your children and your friends. The moment you accept yourself for who you truly are and allow others to be who they truly are, you will start creating meaningful deep relationships. Let the Evolution Journey BEGIN.

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Angie Hassoun

Hatha Yoga Instructor Angie Hassoun is a Hatha Yoga instructor and has had a passion for yoga for over a decade. Her yoga journey began long before she started building her 9 years Marketing career in the commercial world, as she always longed for being free and directly impacting people on a personal level instead of working behind a desk. Yoga found her when she needed it the most, it helped her overcome a chronic pulmonary disease that she suffered from since childhood. After seeing the positive results and the changes in her well-being, she became a dedicated yoga enthusiast attending seminars and trainings with the French federation of yoga instructors for her own personal growth, not knowing that within such a short time she would realize its importance and decide to share it with the world. Angie started her professional yoga journey in Europe and got certified the first time from a Russian school (Natalia Fata 200hrs) and the second time from a Spanish one (Spirit Sadhana 300hrs), both accredited by the international yoga alliance. Luckily her path is growing more and more into her mission which is all about yoga therapy and healing. She is assisting people to overcome emotional, mental and physical obstacles or simply guiding them while they enjoy the beauty of life, being fully grounded and present

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Rana Alamuddin

Rana Alamuddin is the CNN-featured founder of women’s platform Bayneh W Baynek, a sought-after transformational coach, advanced Pranic healer and certified RTT hypnotherapist having trained with UK's #1 therapist Marisa Peer in her award-winning method Rapid Transformational Therapy as featured on Mindvalley. Her holistic approach to healing addresses the multiple layers of being from mental, somatic, energetic & spiritual through customized integrations of hypnotherapy, bodywork and energy healing. Rana supports a client base of extraordinary women spanning from the GCC to the U.S. to identify their self-limiting belief systems, release emotional/energetic blockages and rewire their mindsets to reclaim their power, take ownership of their lives and embody an upgraded version of themselves that they love.

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