Duration: (60 minutes) EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an emotional healing technique; it involves tapping to balance energy meridians. It connects the mind, body and emotions via the body’s energy system to help you eliminate or alleviate any emotional, mental or physical issue. It is an energy medicine that stimulates certain meridian points on the body, in a way similar to acupuncture without needles.
View DetailsDuration: (45 minutes) Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. Yoga Nidra is an easy technique, all that your body needs to do is lie in Savasana (AKA corpse position) and follow the instructor's guiding voice. You will be guided through a series of awareness exercises including body scan, conscious breathing and guided visualization practices. Yoga Nidra is accessible to everyone, and safe to be practiced by people of all ages and abilities. It is said that one hour of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to getting 4 hours of regular sleep.
View DetailsDuration: (90 minutes) A foundational and grounding class that focuses on synchronizing breath with movement while learning proper alignment. Hatha is a practice that will help you find balance on and off the mat, learn proper breathing and alignment and presence. Hatha in Sanskrit is broken down into two words “Ha” meaning Sun and “Tha” meaning Moon, and Hatha as a practice works on finding balance between our sun and moon energies, resulting in a total mastery of the physical body.
View DetailsThis is a Follow up for Homeopathy with Virginia Ghaziri for 90 minutes (You can only book it if you already took Homeopathy)
View DetailsDuration: (70 Minutes) In these sessions the healer will help you look inside yourself and begin an inquiry into the parts of your mind, body, and heart that you ignore most of the time. Through mindfulness exercises and techniques, you will learn how to cultivate the awareness needed to make changes to areas of your life that you feel stuck in or need improvement in! Awareness is the key to change!
View DetailsDuration: (60 minutes) It is a set of models and principles used to describe the relationship between mind, language (verbal and non-verbal), and perception. It is based on the idea that with our physical senses we are only able to perceive a small part of the world. Our view of the world is filtered by our experiences, beliefs, values and assumptions. NLP embodies techniques that can change the way we think, learn and communicate.
View DetailsDuration: (60 minutes) EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an emotional healing technique; it involves tapping to balance energy meridians. It connects the mind, body and emotions via the body’s energy system to help you eliminate or alleviate any emotional, mental or physical issue. It is an energy medicine that stimulates certain meridian points on the body, in a way similar to acupuncture without needles.
View DetailsDuration: (45 minutes) Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. Yoga Nidra is an easy technique, all that your body needs to do is lie in Savasana (AKA corpse position) and follow the instructor's guiding voice. You will be guided through a series of awareness exercises including body scan, conscious breathing and guided visualization practices. Yoga Nidra is accessible to everyone, and safe to be practiced by people of all ages and abilities. It is said that one hour of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to getting 4 hours of regular sleep.
View DetailsDuration: (90 minutes) A foundational and grounding class that focuses on synchronizing breath with movement while learning proper alignment. Hatha is a practice that will help you find balance on and off the mat, learn proper breathing and alignment and presence. Hatha in Sanskrit is broken down into two words “Ha” meaning Sun and “Tha” meaning Moon, and Hatha as a practice works on finding balance between our sun and moon energies, resulting in a total mastery of the physical body.
View DetailsThis is a Follow up for Homeopathy with Virginia Ghaziri for 90 minutes (You can only book it if you already took Homeopathy)
View DetailsDuration: (70 Minutes) In these sessions the healer will help you look inside yourself and begin an inquiry into the parts of your mind, body, and heart that you ignore most of the time. Through mindfulness exercises and techniques, you will learn how to cultivate the awareness needed to make changes to areas of your life that you feel stuck in or need improvement in! Awareness is the key to change!
View DetailsDuration: (60 minutes) It is a set of models and principles used to describe the relationship between mind, language (verbal and non-verbal), and perception. It is based on the idea that with our physical senses we are only able to perceive a small part of the world. Our view of the world is filtered by our experiences, beliefs, values and assumptions. NLP embodies techniques that can change the way we think, learn and communicate.
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