This session delves into the powerful process of Human Design Deconditioning, to shed the external influences and limiting beliefs that hold you back, guiding you on a journey to:
Prerequisite: Human Design Foundation
This session delves into the powerful process of Human Design Deconditioning, to shed the external influences and limiting beliefs that hold you back, guiding you on a journey to:
• Uncover the conditioning: Explore how social expectations, external influences, and past experiences have shaped your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
• Recognize your authentic self: including your Human Design Type, Strategy, Authority, and Inner Wisdom and purpose in life, to understand what truly resonates with you.
• Release outdated patterns: Discover practical tools and techniques to break free from limiting beliefs and limiting thoughts, reclaiming your inner power.
• Embrace your true potential: Align with your authentic self and experience greater clarity, fulfillment, and satisfaction in all areas of life.
This session is perfect for you if you:
• Feel like you're constantly trying to fit in rather than living authentically.
• Struggle with self-doubt and limiting beliefs.
• Crave a deeper understanding of your unique purpose and potential.
• Want to experience greater ease, flow, and alignment in your life.
Sarah Berjaoui is a Human Design and Gene Keys instructor as well as a yoga teacher and a soon
to be family constellation therapist.
Her background is Civil Engineering which perfectly matches her structured brain while her
Sarah Berjaoui is a Human Design and Gene Keys instructor as well as a yoga teacher and a soon
to be family constellation therapist.
Her background is Civil Engineering which perfectly matches her structured brain while her
work is in Business Development in her family’s hospitality and real estate business and her
passion is assisting and guiding others to understand and accept themselves in a deeper level
which brings her joy and fulfilment.
She is a Manifesting Generator with 3 energy centers and an Emotional Authority a fact
providing great insightfulness about her and her temperament.
She offers private sessions and also lead workshops and create beautiful and life changing
Her work begins by identifying and analyzing your design and then she uses her effective and
personalized tools to guide you back to the journey of discovering your authentic self.
Human Design will offer you an insightful understanding of yourself and your unique nature and
at the same time it will provide you with valuable guidance to navigate your relationships and
better connect with your partner, your family, your children and your friends.
The moment you accept yourself for who you truly are and allow others to be who they truly are,
you will start creating meaningful deep relationships.
Let the Evolution Journey BEGIN.
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