

Sarah Berjaoui is a Human Design and Gene Keys instructor as well as a yoga teacher and a soon

to be family constellation therapist.

Her background is Civil Engineering which perfectly matches her structured brain while her


Human Design Comprehensive Analy ...

Duration: 60 minutes

This personal comprehensive analysis brings you closer to yourself and to the mo ...

Human Design Foundation

Duration: 90 minutes

A foundation reading is an insightful process where we dive into your bodygraph ...

Family Constellation Human Desig ...

Duration: 120 minutes

Family constellation is based on the idea that our issues are inherited down th ...

A Deep Dive into Human Design De ...

Prerequisite: Human Design Foundation 

This session delves into the powerful process of Hum ...


Duration: 90 minutes

The relationships we have with the people around us are what makes us wo we are ...

Parenting with Human Design

Duration: 90 minutes

Human Design was basically intended for children and their experience, benefitin ...

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